It Is Time To Laugh - A Merry Heart Book Review

Title: It is Time to Laugh: A Merry Heart
By: Jackie Ruth Wilson
CBM Christian Book Reviews
10.0 out of 10.0

It is Time to Laugh: A Merry Heart is written to “impart biblical knowledge about laughter.” Dedicated to all of God’s children, the author takes her sense of humor to encourage and inspire others to laugh everyday. Despite our problems, trials and tribulations the author states that, “God is good all the time.” With this in mind, she reminds all children of God that it’s the blood of Jesus that covers all of our sins, and we can laugh despite our circumstances, upbringing, family or financial status. She wants others to know that having a merry heart does the body good, like medicine, as the Proverbs 17:22 states, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” Keeping in theme with this, she reminds us all that it is important to laugh and enjoy life – as her title denotes, “It is Time to Laugh.”

Intertwined humorous stories of life as a young child, young teen and adult, the author weaves Scripture and the theme that “God delivers on time,” throughout this light-hearted and funny read. Readers will enjoy the author’s candid sense of humor, along with the tales of growing up alongside family that are quite unique. The book can be read all at once or each section read separately. Rest assured her stories will put a smile on your face and also will remind readers of all their funny stories.

Perfect for a gift for loved ones to share the joy and laughter of family together! A highly recommended read! ~ Get your copy of It Is Time To Laugh at Amazon. You can visit Jackie at her Author's site at Author Jackie Ruth Wilson.

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